Series made by a Quebec company
Here at Héroique Films, we offer you digital content; from literary and video game adaptations to short films, feature films and series in several formats according to your needs.
- January 1, 2020
Adaptation of books and video games
A film adaptation is a film inspired by a work that already exists. It can be a book, a short story, a video game, a television series or an animated series. There are two types of adaptations: free adaptation and faithful adaptation. Free adaptation can add new characters as well as remove them. The latter can modify a large part of the story such as the beginning or important parts of the story. The faithful adaptation maintains the guidelines of the story, does not change the names of the characters and attempts to be as precise as possible towards the work. At Héroique Films, we produce free or faithful adaptations of books and video games according to demand. Indeed, we use a methodology which is based on objective data, our budget, the financial statements of the book in question, the reputation of the author or director or actors, the accessibility of the book or video game and the feasibility of the latter according to a schedule determined in advance. We will promote books and video games produced here in Quebec and Canada.
- December 31, 2012
Web Series
A web series is a series of online films having several episodes that can be listened to via multiple platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo, iTunes, Netflix, and can be listened to on devices such as flat screens, computers, tablets or portable. It is possible that the company acquires the broadcasting or distribution rights for various films or series in relation to our niche.
- November 1, 2013
Historical, fantastic, fantasy and interactive genre
Supernatural fans? Héroique Films offers you content with a medieval and supernatural flavor in various literary registers such as the fantastic register, the fantasy register and the interactive register. The fantastic register allows the supernatural to exist in a real world without the characters in the book or video game accepting it (Harry Potter). The fantasy register allows a magical or supernatural universe through its inhabitants and its characters in an unreal world (Lord of the Rings). The interactive register allows the spectator to have alternative choices which will modify the story of the book or the video game (Dragon Age). If you love Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dragon Age, to name just a few, you will be delighted to see, as a spectator, all the cinematographic works that can be produced by our company. Other registers may be added for your digital entertainment which will be exclusive.
- January 15, 2015
Short film
Shorts are short films that can be 30 minutes or less long. Heroique Films sets itself apart by its vision by producing content of approximately 10 minutes. Indeed, these can be rented or purchased at competitive prices in the online entertainment market. This will allow us to offer you more content and to be both more flexible with our schedule and faster between each production.
- January 1, 2020
Funding for artists and producers
Héroïque Films pourra, à sa discrétion, investir annuellement de 1000$ à 100 000$ sur des œuvres littéraires ou de jeux vidéo dans un des genres dans lesquels nous nous spécialisons : fantastique, historique ou fantaisie.
Nous nous engagerons à:
- trouver une équipe de réalisation, de techniciens de scènes ou de scénarisation au besoin
- trouver un distributeur ou un diffuseur si l'œuvre en question a un certain potentiel de retombées économique,
- chercher les acteurs pouvant correspondre à votre œuvre,
- effectuer le budget approximatif total de la préproduction à la postproduction
- trouver les lieux de tournages, costumes, les secouristes, s'assurer de la sécurité du plateau de tournage, assurer le coût des assurances en responsabilité civile et matérielle, etc.ATTENTION, certaines conditions s'appliquent : vous devez nous faire parvenir votre scénario ou, mieux encore, votre bible (qui restera confidentiel) pour évaluer la pertinence de votre projet, ainsi que votre CV et votre portfolio. De plus, la personne faisant la demande doit résider au Québec.
Héroique Films may, at its discretion, invest annually from $1,000 to $100,000 in literary works or video games in one of the genres in which we specialize: fantastic, historical or fantasy.
We will commit to:
- find a production team, stage technicians or screenwriters if necessary
- find a distributor or broadcaster if the work in question has a certain potential for economic benefits,
- look for actors who could match your work,
- carry out the total approximate budget from pre-production to post-production
- find filming locations, costumes, first aiders, ensure the security of the film set, cover the cost of civil and material liability insurance, etc.PLEASE NOTE, certain conditions apply: you must send us your script or, better yet, your bible (which will remain confidential) to assess the relevance of your project, as well as your CV and your portfolio. In addition, the person making the request must reside in Quebec.
We undertake to produce or co-produce the work according to a private agreement for the royalties linked to the sales or rental of the work. In addition, the technical sheet with the poster of the work must be found on the official website of Héroique Films inc. The work produced or co-produced will be presented in at least one reputable festival and be in competition with other works in the same category. The work produced or co-produced will be accompanied by a technical sheet on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritics, Allociné, Wikipedia or Filmsquebec if we work in partnership on your project. The project must be affiliated with unions such as UDA or ACTRA (if produced in English) AQTIS, ARRQ or DGC or AQPM or SAGAFTRA or WGA if the allocated budget allows it. The project must mention Héroique Films inc. in its opening and closing credits. It is not obligatory (but strongly recommended) that the work in question be an adaptation of fiction, in any format. The work must also be distributed either on television, in cinemas in Quebec or elsewhere in the world or on one of the new distribution platforms (Netflix, Noovo, etc.).We will commit to:
- find a production team, film set crew or writers if needed
- find a distributor or broadcaster if the work in question has potential
- find actors that may fit your work,
- estimate the total budget from pre-production to post-production
- find film locations, costumes, emergency workers, a security team in order to respect the health guidelines pertaining to COVID-19, ensure the cost of civil and material liability insurance, etc.PLEASE NOTE, certain conditions apply: you must send us your scenario (which will remain confidential) so that we can evaluate the relevance of your project, along with your CV and portfolio. In addition, the applicant must reside in Quebec.
It is also important to note that we agree to produce or co-produce the work by mutual agreement for royalties related to the sale or streaming of the work. Additionally, the technical sheet with the poster of the work must be available on the website of Héroïque Films inc. The work produced or co-produced must be presented in at least one festival and be in competition with other works in the same category. The work produced or co-produced must have an IMDB page which mentions Héroique Films inc., if we are working in partnership on your project. If the budget allows it, the project must be affiliated with unions such as UDA or ACTRA (if produced in English) AQTIS, ARRQ or DGC. The project must also mention Héroique Films inc. in its opening and closing credits. The project does not have to be an adaptation or a series, but it must be a work of fiction, be it a short, medium or feature film format. The work must also be distributed either on television, in theaters in Quebec or elsewhere in the world or on one of the new distribution platforms (Netflix, Noovo, etc.).