A new Facebook group called “Héroïque Films Inc. VIP members” has been created for those who want to follow us and get all the latest exclusive news, interviews, training and conferences on the following topics: directing, diction, production, acting, etc.
Moreover, you will receive all the news concerning the evolution of our 6 episodes dedicated to Joan of Arc. Whether it is about the auditions, the script or even the budget.
By the way, the scriptwriter Claude Huard and I have just finished the scene-to-scene, which makes up about 60% of the script work. We should finish the dialogue version in August. We will then be looking for stars for our series, followed by a distributor or a broadcaster. Our SARTEC contract allows us to be distributed in theaters, new media and television.? Casting could happen after these steps are completed.
There is a fundraising campaign coming up. I am waiting for some confirmations of locations that will allow you to win prizes in connection with this campaign. I want to emphasize that it will be beneficial for the actors with a special prize handed to the winner of the mini-putt tournament. ? Other film-related prizes will also be given.?
Join our new Facebook group and stay tuned for all new developments! ? Facebook Group ?